Introvert playing extrovert. An Artist. An Accountant. And a very happy person :)
*Digital review copy provided by NetGalley & the publisher in exchange for an honest review.
I am a real Pride and Prejudice fan and I also read a huge amount of manga, so when I found this combination of two things I like I got a bit anxious. I was afraid I wasn't like it and I was fairly correct from one side.
Though I can say that it IS a Pride and Prejudice portrayal, most of the time it doesn't felt like that at all. It felt more like a discourtesy, a farce rather than a comedy-drama and I found myself simply wincing at some pages.
The art was tolerable, but do not complement the story and felt to is too caricatured for all the action.
As a standalone manga novel it wasn't so bad, but I think you can fairly enjoy this story if you go blindly, not knowing anything about the original Pride and Prejudice, like nothing at all.